I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice; and there will be one flock with one shepherd. John 10:16
As part of building a Christ-centered environment at Black Hills Community Church, the Missions Committee functions to raise awareness of domestic and foreign missions, encouraging the congregation to become involved physically and financially in order to show our love to all those who are being brought into the sheepfold of Christ by our Lord Himself.
Who We Support

Love INC and Life INC — Rapid City
We also have the pleasure of supporting missionaries in sensitive areas of the world. For security reasons, we are not able to list their names or locations, but if you would like more information please contact us.
How To Get Involved

- Pick up an updated Missionary Prayer List
- Sign up to receive ministry updates and newsletters from missionaries you are interested in
- Consider “adopting” a ministry or missionary and commit to praying for them daily
- A part of your tithes and offerings goes to support our missionaries already!
- Designate a special offering for missions in the memo line of your check
- Fill an Easter Bank every year (information announced in the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday)
- Buy a pop from the church fridge. Every penny goes to the missions fund! (Suggested donation of 50 cents/pop)
- Consider “adopting” a missionary and personally support their financial needs
- You already are a missionary! Look for opportunities to share the gospel where you are – here and now
- Volunteer with a local ministry
- Join the Missions Committee
- Visit your “adopted” missionary to serve and encourage them
- Go on a short-term mission trip
- Be prayerfully open to God’s call to a long-term cross-cultural field
Mission to the World (MTW) is the global missions sending agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).